To The 300 Years of the Russian Academy of Sciences! Academician Lev Zelenyi, academic advisor of IKI, awarded the Note of Thanks from the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the Jubilee Medal "300 Years of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
Space On Earth First School on experimental laboratory astrophysics and geophysics of the National Centre For Physics and Mathematics ended on July 14, 2023.
RSF Announces the Results of Three Grant Competitions In the end of March 2023 Russian Science Foundation published the lists of winners of three grant competitions. Among the 585 projects of the individual scientific groups to be supported by RSF are the projects led by IKI researchers.
Studying Moon at School A lecture for high school students at school 444, studying under Space Classes program, which is supported by the Department for Education of Moscow Governement, was held on March 17.
IKI Researchers Awarded Jubilee Medals of Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology Ceremonial awarding was held on March 4, 2023 at MIPT's campus in Dolgoprudnyi.
Eight Exoplanet Candidates Discovered By Russian Robotic Telescope System These are the results of the project "Theoretical and experimental studies of extrasolar planetary systems' formation and evolution and parameters of exoplanets", currently under implementation.
IKI's scientists elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences New Academy members were elected at the General Assembly of the RAS. The results were made public on June, 2, during the Assembly.
IKI at XLVI Korolev Readings Annual Academic Space Readings dedicated to the memory of academician S. P. Korolev and other prominent Russian scientists – pioneers of space exploration started on January 25, 2022 at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.