Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences

Venus: Unlikely Twin

Solar System

Venus it the closest planet to the Earth. It is frequently called 'a twin of the Earth', since their size, density, and the amount of energy, which they get from the Sun, are similar.

However, these are the only things they have in common. In contrast to the Earth, the main component of Venusian atmosphere is carbon dioxide, its near the surface is about 500 degrees Celsius, and its pressure is 93 times that of the Earth. There are no seasonal changes on Venus and no oceans, which would transport heat and torque. That's why it was initially believed that Venusian atmosphere is simple. However, as studies have gradually shown, it turned out to be a complex dynamical system.

What do we know about Venus today, what experiments were carried out on the planet in 1960-1980's, and what is still unknown? In this video IKI's scientists: Acad. Lev. M. Zelenyi, Dr. Oleg I. Korablev, Dr. Lyudmila V. Zasova, Dr. Mikhail V. Gerasimov, Dmitry A. Gorinov, Dr. Natan A. Eismont answer these questions.

In Russian.

Video file

Idea: Lyudmila V. Zasova, IKI

Script: Dmitry A. Gorinov, Olga V. Zakutnyaya, IKI

Shooting, cut, 3D: Evgeny P. Germanyuk, IKI

Text: Yuri S. Dobrolensky, IKI

Production: IKI, 2021