RSF Announces the Results of Three Grant Competitions In the end of March 2023 Russian Science Foundation published the lists of winners of three grant competitions. Among the 585 projects of the individual scientific groups to be supported by RSF are the projects led by IKI researchers.
RSF Announces the Results of Five 2023 Grant Competitions On February 16, 2023 Russian Science Foundation published the lists of winners of five grant competitions. Among them are the project led by IKI researcher and projects, which use the capabilities of IKI-Monitoring Center for Collective Use.
Carbon Deposits Volume in the Forests of Russia Estimated To get the values, researchers used Earth remote sensing data, selected ground-based observations, and models.
Eight Exoplanet Candidates Discovered By Russian Robotic Telescope System These are the results of the project "Theoretical and experimental studies of extrasolar planetary systems' formation and evolution and parameters of exoplanets", currently under implementation.
Russian Science Foundation to Support 2017 New Projects Within Starting Grants Program Three projects led by IKI researchers are among the winners.
Shock Waves Can Explain Why Solar Wind Is Not That Cold In the Distant Solar System IKI researchers suggested the mechanism, which can explain unexpected heating of solar wind at large distances from the Sun. Results of the study, which was supported by Russian Science Foundation, are published in Astronomy& Astrophysics.
The Polytechnik Museum and Russian Science Foundation Open Exhibition "The Basement For the Future" Professor Sergey Bartalev, the head of the laboratory at IKI and the leader of the project "Space science observatory of carbon in Russian forests" is one of the heroes of the exhibition.
RSF grants for terrestrial magnetosphere and Mars Russian Science Foundation announced the winners of "youth" grants within the Presidential Program. Among them are projects led by IKI's young researchers/