INTEGRAL's Final Light After 22.5 years of successful operation ESA's INTEGRAL international orbital observatory, launched in 2002 by Russia, completed its scientific mission.
The Most Splendiferous Supernova Remnant In the Galaxy The team of astrophysicists from IKI and other organizations used X-ray data collected by SRG/eROSITA telescope onboard Spektr-RG observatory to look into the hot interior of the S147/Spaghetti nebula and explain its unusual properties.
New Black Holes, Neutron Stars, And White Dwarfes Discovered By Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC Telesope Onboard Spektr-RG Observatory In 2024, IKI scientists and their colleagues completed the analysis of the data from the Milky Way central region deep survey and the first five all-sky surveys (2019–2022) made by Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope onboard Spektr-RG X-ray observatory.
North Polar Spur — Bright Arc In Synchtron Radiation of the Galaxy And In the X-Ray Map of SRG/eROSITA New model developed by IKI astrophysicists and their colleagues and based on the data of SRG/eROSITA X-ray telescope, links the bright structure seen in our Galaxy to bubbles of hot gas that emerge from star-formation regions like smoke from the chimney.
Spektr-RG — Five Years And Counting! On July 13, 2019, Proton rocket launcher with DM-03 booster blasted off from Baikonur cosmodrome, carrying Russian X-ray observatory Spektr-RG. Today, we name some — but by no means the only — fascinating results of its work in these five years.
Academician Rashid Sunyaev: Fifty Years At IKI On June 17, 2024 Academician Dr. Rashid Sunyaev celebrated the 50th year of his work at Space Research Institute.
Pulsar Nebulas And Filaments In the Galactic Centre Galactic Center teems with the most extremal and exotic objects. Among them are so-called filaments — long and thin structures. Some of them are visible in radio, the other — in X-rays. They are supposed to appear as a result of relativistic electrons' and positrons' synchrotron radiation. These particles are born near pulsars — rotating neutron stars with strong magtic fields. New observations support this hypothesis.
IXPE Finds Polarization of the X-ray Emission From Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way's Centre This finding confirms the hypothesis that the supermassive black hole in the center of our Galaxy once had been much more active that it is now. The results are published in the Nature journal.