Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC X-ray Telescope Helps to Reveal the Origin of High-Energy Radiation Astrophysicists from IKI and Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences studied compact star cluster Westerlund 2. The paper with the results of the study is accepted for publication in MNRAS and is available on arXiv.org.
Spektr-RG: Four Years And Counting On July 13, 2023 Spektr-RG space observatory marks its fourth year since the launch. More that 1.1 terabytes of telemetry data have been downstreamed to the Earth, which later turned into tens of terabytes of scientific data. More than 70 papers have been already published, which investigate hundreds and thousands of X-ray sources.
Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XС Telescope Examines the Supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy Supernova SN 2023ixf, which blasted on May 18 in the Pinwheel Galaxy M101, appeared to become more and more bright in X-rays even after its optical luminosity started to fade. The results of the observations were published in Astronomer's Telegram.
Bright, Energetic, and Puzzling Russian Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC X-ray telescope onboard Spektr-RG observatory (Roscosmos) and Russian KONUS instrument onboard WIND spacecraft (NASA), residing in two opposite Lagrange points L1 and L2, have provided a detailed study of GRB 221009A — the brightest of all gamma-ray bursts previously registered by Konus and most likely the brightest one in the whole history of mankind.
IKI Young Scientists Awarded On the eve of the day of Russian science, Russian Academy of Sciences awarded the winners of the 2021 competition for RAS awards for young scientists and students. Among them are IKI astrophysicicts Andrei Semena, Ilya Mereminsky, Igor Zaznobin.
X-Ray Unicorn Brighter in Summer On September, 1, an Astronomy Telegram from Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC team announced a discovery of an optical counterpart of a bright X-ray pulsar — a transient star V520 in constellation Monoceros, which is Unicorn in Greek.
Student's Tour to IKI Students from Youth MediaCenter at Ministry of Science and Higher Education visited IKI to learn about X-ray Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope and Spektr-RG space observatory.
X-ray transients on the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC map Russian Academy of Sciences announced the winners of the 2021 competition for RAS awards for young scientists and students. Among them are IKI astrophysicicts Andrei Semena, Ilya Mereminsky, Igor Zaznobin.