XLIX Korolev Readings Open At Bauman Moscow State Technical University At the first plenary session Anatoly Petrukovich, IKI Director, spoke about scientific experiments and technological opportunities that can be done with spacecraft in low-Earth orbits.
Forest Fires in the North Throughout Twenty Years Using 20-year-long archival data, researchers at IKI Earth Remote Sensing Technologies Department made a map, showing losses from forest fires in the North in the beginning of the 21st century,
In Search For Hidden Carbon A new information system Uglerod-E developed at IKI will be used to monitor carbon ("uglerod" is Russian for "carbon") in the forests and other ecosystems.
Conference "Carbon in Ground Exosystems: Monitoring" February 15-16, 2023 Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosts a conference "Carbon in Ground Exosystems: Monitoring".
Carbon Deposits Volume in the Forests of Russia Estimated To get the values, researchers used Earth remote sensing data, selected ground-based observations, and models.
The Polytechnik Museum and Russian Science Foundation Open Exhibition "The Basement For the Future" Professor Sergey Bartalev, the head of the laboratory at IKI and the leader of the project "Space science observatory of carbon in Russian forests" is one of the heroes of the exhibition.
Russian Forests Studied From Space Dr. Sergey Bartalev presents the results of the remote sensing project dedicated to studies of carbon kept by Russian forests.