The Most Splendiferous Supernova Remnant In the Galaxy The team of astrophysicists from IKI and other organizations used X-ray data collected by SRG/eROSITA telescope onboard Spektr-RG observatory to look into the hot interior of the S147/Spaghetti nebula and explain its unusual properties.
North Polar Spur — Bright Arc In Synchtron Radiation of the Galaxy And In the X-Ray Map of SRG/eROSITA New model developed by IKI astrophysicists and their colleagues and based on the data of SRG/eROSITA X-ray telescope, links the bright structure seen in our Galaxy to bubbles of hot gas that emerge from star-formation regions like smoke from the chimney.
Anisotropic Stellar Wind In the Most Reknown Microquasar In Milky Way New model developed by IKI scientists and their colleagues from Ioffe Institute sheds new light on the origin of W50 giant radio nebula, which hides the most reknown X-ray object of our Galaxy – SS433 microquasar.
Coma Cluster in X-Rays and Radio Astrophysicists from IKI and Ioffe Institute, using the data from SRG/eROSITA space telescope, studied the properties of a shock in Coma cluster of galaxies. The paper summarising their results was accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysics.