Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences

Earth Remote Sensing Technologies

Head of the department

Evgeny A. LUPIAN


  • Mobile Objects Monitoring Technologies. Head: Ph.D. Vladimir N. PYRKOV 
  • Methods and Technologies for building Satellite Monitoring Information Systems. Head: Ph.D. Ivan V. BALASHOV 
  • The Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring. Head: Dr.Sc. Sergey A. BARTALEV
  • The Land Productivity Monitoring Sector. Head: Ph.D. Dmitri E. PLOTNIKOV 
  • Center for Collective Use of Satellite Earth Monitoring Data "IKI-monitoring". Head: Ph.D. Mikhail A. BURTSEV 
  • Methods and Technologies For Working With Ultra-Large Archives of Space Monitoring Data. Head: Ph.D. Andrey A. PROSHIN

Head of the department

Evgeny A. LUPIAN


  • Mobile Objects Monitoring Technologies. Head: Ph.D. Vladimir N. PYRKOV 
  • Methods and Technologies for building Satellite Monitoring Information Systems. Head: Ph.D. Ivan V. BALASHOV 
  • The Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring. Head: Dr.Sc. Sergey A. BARTALEV
  • The Land Productivity Monitoring Sector. Head: Ph.D. Dmitri E. PLOTNIKOV 
  • Center for Collective Use of Satellite Earth Monitoring Data "IKI-monitoring". Head: Ph.D. Mikhail A. BURTSEV 
  • Methods and Technologies For Working With Ultra-Large Archives of Space Monitoring Data. Head: Ph.D. Andrey A. PROSHIN


  • methods, technologies, and information systems for remote monitoring of environmental conditions, natural and anthropogenic objects;
  • monitoring of environmental conditions and various objects to study natural processes and anthropogenic impact over them;
  • archiving and maintenance of archived satellite data and their processing results for various scientific and applied tasks;
  • solving problems related to the study of various natural and anthropogenic phenomena, processes, and objects using methods and technologies of the Earth
  • remote sensing; 
  • support and development of IKI-Monitoring — IKI’s Center for the collective use of information systems for archiving, processing, and satellite data analysis to study and monitor the environment.