Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences

Fifty Years of Space Research
After the International Forum 
«Space: Science and Challenges of the XXI Century»
50th anniversary of the Sputnik launch 
October, 2007 

Collection of articles

Science editor A. Zakharov 
Collected by L. Zelenyi, A. Zakharov, O. Zakutnyaya
Editor O. Zakutnyaya, D. Odintsova

М.: IKI, 2009. 287 p.

УДК 520.6
ББК 39.6
П 99
ISBN 978-5-902-533-05-0


Collection of articles dedicated to the major results of space research in the first 50 years after the launch of the First artificial earth satellite in 1957.

Articles based on the selected reports presented at the International Forum “Space: Science and challenges of the XXI century” (moscow, october 1—5, 2007), as well as original articles are included in the book.

Subject of the book is main achievements and further prospects of studies of earth’s magnetosphere and interplanetary medium, of the Sun, the moon and the planets of Solar system nearest to the earth, as well as current state and future development of astrophysics and cosmic rays physics, and main results of physics and biomedical experiments, performed at the orbital stations.

Articles and illustrations are provided by authors unless otherwise stated.

Information authenticity of the articles are provided by authors.

Editorial Board may not be concordant with authors’ opinion.