Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences

Luna-25 Entered the Orbit Around the Moon

August 16, 2023
Mission Status

Today Luna-25 station, built at Lavochkin Association (part of State Space Corporation Roscosmos), entered the circular polar orbit around the Moon and became its artificial satellite.

During the cruise to the Moon, Luna-25's scientific payload, made at IKI, have been prepared for operation. STS-L TV-cameras, which have shown their first images in technical format, were calibrated and are ready to make images in natural colours.

It is planned that ADRON-LR, ARIES-L, and PmL scientific insturments will operate during the orbital flight. They will study fluxes of gamma-rays and neutrons from the Moon and properties of the near-Moon plasma and lunar exosphere.

Цветной снимок с одной из стереокамер комплекса СТС-Л, полученный 15 августа 2023 года в 00:00:22 дмв с расстояния около 380 000 км от Земли. Фотография: ИКИ РАН

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