INTEGRAL's Final Light After 22.5 years of successful operation ESA's INTEGRAL international orbital observatory, launched in 2002 by Russia, completed its scientific mission.
Six and a half Crab, or Thirty And Three Million Photons Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC X-Ray telescope and Integral observatory look at Swift J1727.8-1613 X-Ray nova – the brightest object in the summer X-ray sky of 2023.
Transient X-ray Pulsar RX J0440.9+4431 Switched To the Super-Critical Regime of Accretion For the First Time... …and went back again. Literally all X-ray space observatories studied this outburst in 2023, and among them was Integral. The paper with the first results of the observations was sent to MNRAS and published on The picture from the paper was selected as the June 2023 Picture of the Month of the Integral observatory.
Twenty years of INTEGRAL Twenty years ago on October 17, 202, the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, or INTEGRAL, soared into space from Baikonur onboard Proton launcher.