New Black Holes, Neutron Stars, And White Dwarfes Discovered By Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC Telesope Onboard Spektr-RG Observatory In 2024, IKI scientists and their colleagues completed the analysis of the data from the Milky Way central region deep survey and the first five all-sky surveys (2019–2022) made by Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope onboard Spektr-RG X-ray observatory.
IKI Young Scientists Awarded On the eve of the day of Russian science, Russian Academy of Sciences awarded the winners of the 2021 competition for RAS awards for young scientists and students. Among them are IKI astrophysicicts Andrei Semena, Ilya Mereminsky, Igor Zaznobin.
X-Ray Unicorn Brighter in Summer On September, 1, an Astronomy Telegram from Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC team announced a discovery of an optical counterpart of a bright X-ray pulsar — a transient star V520 in constellation Monoceros, which is Unicorn in Greek.
X-ray transients on the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC map Russian Academy of Sciences announced the winners of the 2021 competition for RAS awards for young scientists and students. Among them are IKI astrophysicicts Andrei Semena, Ilya Mereminsky, Igor Zaznobin.